12 October 2009

A Day in the Life 10/10/09

A Day in the Life

Wake up late and rush about
Head to work today without
Taking time to think or pray
It's another busy day

First block starts and I'm not there
I'm dropping off Molly, but I'm aware
The school day started without me
So many places I need to be

I get to school, to class, to start
Grading papers, trying not to lose heart
Checking my email, preparing to teach
Being caught up always just out of reach

The bell goes off as first block ends
All the work left ungraded nearly sends
Me into a panic, but I've no time for that
It's time to wear my instructor's hat

I push, I pull, I motivate
Put out fires that just can't wait
Running around like a cat on fire
Blood sugar lower, blood pressure higher

It often seems they just don't care
And that we're not getting anywhere
I deeply hope that I'm not right
And I keep on struggling-keep up the fight

In what seems like minutes and nothing more
The bell again rings and they're out the door
Third block enters--it's their turn now
I'll do better this block, I vow

It seems we've barely gotten a start
When the lunch bell rings and they depart
My time sense must be greatly wrong--
A class can't be less than five minutes long

I open my lunchbox, start to eat
The bell goes off--time for fourth block to meet
They all come in, sit down, and then
The last bell rings--the day's at an end

Somehow in classes that went by in a blink
I've new piles to grade but still I think
I'll take a minute to unwind and to rest
Today has surely been a test

I check the time and get a shock
I start to hate that stupid clock
I've barely had time to stretch and yawn
Yet somehow two hours have come and gone

I run and get Molly, we go eat at BK
We still aren't done with this busy day
We head for karate--she has a class--
While she blocks and kicks, I grade one more set real fast

Then home and homework and bath and snack
I read to her, she reads to me back
She falls asleep and I chat with my wife
For just a few minutes relief from the strife

She heads for bed (she's smarter than me)
I sit on the couch and watch news on TV
I open the computer and go online
Play games and chat and try to unwind

I blink my eyes twice and it's past midnight
The freaking clock just can't be right
I head for bed and just plain pass out
Then wake up late and rush about...

©2009-Art Belliveau

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