07 April 2015


Wrote haiku and senryu with my students today. They seemed to have as much fun as me!

change is in the air
naked to completely clothed
suddenly springtime

students struggle to
create order from chaos
they write their haiku

my tummy rumbles
I dash to the closest john
I ate corn last night

a hot, summer night
staring overhead I see
ice chips in the sky

where is the right word?
I chase it everywhere, but
it eludes my grasp

they ask when it's due
and how many they should write
they need to focus

a problem solver
answering the tough questions
I could use a break

hot, bubbling water
easing away tension caused
by seventh graders

the diff'rence between
whispering and shouting is
lost on my students

desperate to finish
they look for short cuts and not
original thoughts

©2015-Art Belliveau


Unknown said...

Hmm ... didn't Basho write that third one? No, maybe not. Given that haiku is such a visual verse, you certainly have ... umm ... helped me see your poetry is a different light.

Teasing, of course. I can imagine you sitting in class and writing along with your kids - I love it when I can do that :)

Art Belliveau said...

I put the SmartBoard on and type in my poems as they are writing theirs. I remind them that I have written literally (and I'm using it correctly here) hundreds of these poems, so while it may seem easier for me, it's just that I'v ehad so much practice.

Quick cute story: I had my hand on Heather's arm and was squeezing it rhythmically with my fingers. Heather asked if I was writing a haiku in my head and counting out the syllables! I wasn't, that time, but man she knows me so well!