08 August 2011

January 08/07/11


named for Janus
two headed god of doorways
of the joint concepts of
endings and beginnings
merging into one

every ending
so they say
(whovever they are)
leads to a new begining

every beginning is supposed to be
full of hope
full of promise
maybe so
maybe not

the idea that change
is inevitable
that nothing stays the same
is embodied in Janus
and his month: January

one year over
the next one a fresh slate
ready to be written on
by my life's experiences

so many times this past year
i have lived through Januaries
endings and beginnings
change the only constant
and now another one arrives

it is August
on the calendar at least
as a teacher
January is in my heart

last year is finally laid to rest
as the preparations for
the next school year begins

i wonder how many more Januaries
i have left within me

©2011-Art Belliveau

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