21 April 2008

Advice to My Writing Students

Write it down
(It's not in stone)
Change it
Re-arrange it
Cut words out
Put 'em back
(but only in you want to)
Feel it
Mold it
Live it
Birth it
Be real
Be free
Be you

©2008-Art Belliveau


PoetLady said...

I just discovered yesterday you are writing a poem a day too. WONDERFUL:) I have always loved to read your work, Art and I look forward to reading all you have in this blog.

I really like this poem too. It's very "sparse" but the best poetry is...making the best points with the very fewest words.

And I finally see what you look like after 11 years...you and Ryk both have beards, is that a teacher/poet thing? LOL:) (not making fun of you, just noticing)

I will be reading and commenting on some others...keep posting eh?:)

(PoetLady on Live Journal)

Art Belliveau said...

Hi, Maria!

Glad you found this blog. I have the beard because, frankly, for two reasons: I am too lazy to shave everyday (seems pointless to me, too) and I don't like my face. The beard lets me defeat both of those obstacles.

A poem a day is a hard discipline. But, perhaps it is one I have needed. I always feel that deadline pressure. Seems to work for me.

I'll keep posting, but more sporadically, after this month is over.

All my best! I've looked at some of your poems on LJ when responding to Ryk. I really enjoy your perspective on the world. It is different than mine in many ways and lets me see things a little differently.