05 April 2009

NaPoWriMo 4/05/09

Now that you are gone

this little house has
too many rooms

the emptiness of our bed
begins to crowd me out

the silence grows so loud
it drowns out all my thoughts

the hands of the clock
move more slowly

as I wait for your return

©2009-Art Belliveau


PoetLady said...

Aww...this is so sweet in its simplicity. I particularily like the idea that the clock is moving slower.

I'm so happy you all are happier together than apart. I'm glad when people are happy with their spouses/families. Not everyone is.

I'm glad you are doing a poem a day!

Art Belliveau said...

Thanks. I think sometimes the simple poems are more complex in that I need to tie in real emotion to them. It makes them more personally meaningful, and, therefore, more of a risk to make public.

Leave it to me to take something simple and male it difficult.

Unknown said...

Maybe a companion piece to this when you're so inspired, about how wonderful everything is when that person is there!